Monday, September 15, 2008

Gothic City Master Award in the EXPOSÉ 6 大师奖





获得《EXPOSE 6》Futurescapes“Master Award”大师奖,对我来说是一次很大的鼓励。

I aways love to creating some interesting Architecture scene and Landscape , so this is one of them,a industrial gothic city in the morning light with big wide rivers, a large number of ports and many science-fiction gothic-like constructions.

It's a great honor and I'm really happy that I get the Master Award in EXPOSé 6, the best digital annual of the world.Thanks Ballistic! It's a great encouragement of my art career.

hope you like it:)



Limited Edition EXPOSÉ 6
Hard Cover EXPOSÉ 6

Master Award Winners

''Gothic city'' on page 154-155, in Futurescapes

I'm here
拿着书有点傻气,大家见笑了 “经略台真武阁”。经略台始建于唐,目前建筑为明万历年间所修建,经历过多次地震和大台风依然完好。真武阁采用独特的天平试斗拱支撑结构,二层内柱子全为悬空,堪称一奇。 被梁思成(梁启超之子,中国古建权威)评为中国名楼之一,国内古建筑史上非常重要的一座古建筑。我是一名古建爱好者,所以选此建筑为背景,希望能略为宣传中国文化。
The ancient building behind me is called Zhenwu Pavilion. Zhenwu Pavilion is the most valuable ancient architecture in chinese history.It is famous for the special lever structure , and is the only ancient building in china with no reconstruction record although it suffered five earthquakes and three gales in these 400 years.

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